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The 4 phases of Product Management

In this article, I’m going to detail the 4 phases when starting a new PM mission for a client:

1. Product Performance

Firstly, and unless it’s already done, you must determine the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). This is very important to understand what the founder, CEO or Head of Product wants to achieve. Once, you’ve identified the goals to reach, you can determine KPIs that will measure and track the progress and all the work you will achieve.

2. Product Discovery

Secondly, it is very important to correctly figure out who the target audience is. A product is always a solution to one or several problems. It is necessary to talk with some customers in order to identify the the problems they may have, you have to confirm their pain points. Also, it is a perfect way to learn how to reach and how to communicate with this target audience. Ask questions and listen!

3. Product Management

After gathering lots of information about the goals, the team, the customers, the problems and the current product, it’s now time to provide your feedbacks. Here is a list of actions that are usually relevant:

  • UX-UI design
  • Value proposition: Features, punchlines, pictures and marketing descriptions that fit the market expectations
  • Communication channels that are the most relevant to target

4. Product Delivery

Then, when everything is ready, you can start delivering the Product to the target audience! Don’t forget, it’s never easy to deliver a Product, you may make mistakes here. However, the most important thing to do is to track and measure everything. You must be able to understand your mistakes, why this action did or didn’t work, in order to improve your work and hopefully reach the Product Market Fit.

Hope you’ve found this resource useful, this is a guide I follow for every mission. It gives you more chances to reach the Product Market Fit.